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Air Pollution is not only dangerous to the environment and climate, but also to human health. 


As 90% of the human population is exposed to toxic outdoor air, the World Health Organisation has classified air pollution as a 'public health emergency'.


Research reveals that air pollution may affect every cell and organ in the human body. It has been linked to numerous types of cancer, heart attack, stroke, reduced intelligence, dementia and many other medical conditions. Pollutants have even been found in placentas - the organ that nourishes fetuses. This means that babies are affected by air pollution before they are even born.




Curious about the latest news concerning air pollution?


You can find information about the latest research, political events and other relevant facts and occurrences involving air pollution here!

Do you want tips on how you can help tackle air pollution and protect your health and that of your community? 


Do you want to get information on how you can lower greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, global warming and acid rain?


We have all the information you need here!

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