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Plastic Products From Four Companies Can Cover 83 Football Pitches Every Day

A report has revealed that plastic products from Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Nestlé and Unilever can cover 83 football pitches in a 10 cm deep plastic layer every day. The study examined pollution in six developing countries, including China, the Philippines, Mexico, India, Brazil and Nigeria. Each of these nations have poor waste management and recycling systems, causing plastic to often be dumped or burned. The researchers who conducted the investigation concluded that the burning of plastic packaging in the six mentioned countries is responsible for 4.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. This is equivalent to the emissions of 2 million cars.

In spite of the massive carbon footprint of its products, none of the investigated corporations mention plastic in their climate change commitments. Yet, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Nestlé and Unilever are all well-aware of how waste is managed in the developing countries included in the study. Due to the carbon emissions caused by the burning plastic packaging, these companies' products also contribute greatly to climate change. Thus, it should be included in corporate climate change commitments.

The report concluded that Coca-Cola was the worst polluter in the six studied countries, with a sale of 8 billion bottles and an ability to cover 33 football pitches in plastic daily. Pepsi Co were second in line with 22 pitches, followed by Nestlé at 15 and Unilever with 11.

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