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Record High Temperatures Recorded in The Middle East

Lebanon is facing multiple tragedies and crisis' at the moment. Yesterday, a major explosion erupted in Beirut that has killed 135 people and wounded 5,000 so far. For months before this, Lebanon has suffered an economic crisis that generated food insecurity. As if this weren't enough, the country experienced record high temperatures last week, with 45.4C being the warmest temperature recorded. This placed Lebanon on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

Lebanon was not alone in registering record temperatures. Bagdad, Iraq's capital, reached 51.8C and 51.1C. Residents were forced indoors and street sellers had to seek out shade to continue their work. These temperatures are extremely disturbing, as the human body cannot tolerate temperatures above 50C - a point at which your blood begins to boil. Two people were killed during protests in Bagdad by security forces, as people took to the streets after the electricity grid failed and basic services became unavailable.

Record high temperatures were also registered in other Iraqi and Saudi Arabian cities. Karbala and Nukhaib, Iraq, reached 52.4C and 50.4C, while the Saudi Arabian cities, Rafha and Al Jouf recorded 51.8C and 50.6C. Damascus, Syria's capital, tied its record temperature when the heat reached 46C.


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